The Tower represents a significant and unexpected change that may feel unsettling or even traumatic. This change can come in the form of sudden upheaval or disruption in your life, shaking up the foundation of what you thought was stable and secure.

While this change may be difficult to navigate, it's important to remember that it's happening for a reason. The universe is trying to bring to your attention any areas in your life that are not aligned with your highest good. This can be a wake-up call to shift your focus and realign your priorities.

The Tower reminds you to let go of attachments and outdated beliefs or behaviors that are holding you back. It's time to embrace the unknown and trust in the universe's plan for you. This can be a time of transformation and growth, but it requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to adapt.

Keep in mind the Tower does not always represent doom and gloom. It can also signify a breakthrough, a sudden realization, or a major turning point in your life. Use this opportunity to reflect on your life and assess what changes need to be made. Trust that the universe is guiding you towards a brighter future, even if it may not be clear in this moment.



The Hermit represents a time of introspection, reflection, and solitude. This card encourages you to withdraw from the distractions of the outside world and turn your focus inward.

This is a time to connect with your inner wisdom and guidance. Take time for meditation, journaling, or other introspective practices to gain clarity and insight into your life's purpose and path. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by your inner voice.

The Hermit also reminds you of the importance of self-care and self-nurturing. Take time to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. This may require setting healthy boundaries or saying no to certain obligations or commitments.

While this may be a time of solitude, it's important to remember that you are not alone. Reach out to trusted friends or mentors for support and guidance. This can be a time to deepen your relationships with those who truly understand and support your journey.

The Hermit is not a card of isolation, but of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Use this time to connect with your higher self and the universe. Trust in the divine plan for your life and have faith that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.



The Fool represents a new beginning, a sense of adventure, and a willingness to take risks. This card encourages you to let go of any fears or doubts and embrace the unknown with enthusiasm and optimism.

This is a time to follow your heart and trust in your instincts. Take a leap of faith and start a new project or venture that excites you. You may not have all the answers or know exactly where the path will lead, but have faith that the universe will guide you towards your highest good.

The Fool reminds you to stay present and enjoy the journey, rather than worrying about the destination. Embrace the freedom and joy that comes with stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying new things. This is a time to be open to new experiences, new perspectives, and new people.

The Fool also reminds you to stay grounded and balanced. While taking risks can be exciting, it's important to assess the potential consequences and make informed decisions. Use your intuition and common sense to guide you on your journey.

This is a time of limitless potential and possibility. Embrace the spirit of the Fool and trust in yourself and the universe to lead you towards a fulfilling and meaningful life.